i make up excuses for everything ive done.
im not a princess but my needs are more like queen
i do very bad things ,and i do it well .
Live your life and i will live mine ~

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 ♥
many things happened ,and im glad its over *WIDEWIDESMILE* now i know whos the one i CAN turn too .COUSIN ,yup ,they re the best and the most wonderful gift you can get .many things ive learn .Flesh&Blood ,so they know us better than anyone else .there was a period of time whereby theres a gap between us but im glad we're closing back the gap .OHHH SAYANGSEMUA LA !MUAHSSSSSSSSSSSSS .

Saturday, October 3, 2009 ♥
i agree my love life is one of a kind ,
some are my fault ,some wasnt .
i didnt choose to be in this situation .
but hey ,im still young ,whther i love someone so much or not i still have a long way to go .
i cant predict the future ,i cant predict whats going to happen but all i could do is hope for the best .
i wanted to share with the close ones but it seems like we are all in the same boat .
i hide my tears and tried helping them ,as long as they are happy im happy too .but still no one knew the pain .i miss my sister ,alot .i swear .i hpe youre doing fine wherever you are .i love you still . BYE

Your SweetHeart