many things happened ,and im glad its over *WIDEWIDESMILE* now i know whos the one i CAN turn too .COUSIN ,yup ,they re the best and the most wonderful gift you can get .many things ive learn .Flesh&Blood ,so they know us better than anyone else .there was a period of time whereby theres a gap between us but im glad we're closing back the gap .OHHH SAYANGSEMUA LA !MUAHSSSSSSSSSSSSS .
many things happened ,and im glad its over *WIDEWIDESMILE* now i know whos the one i CAN turn too .COUSIN ,yup ,they re the best and the most wonderful gift you can get .many things ive learn .Flesh&Blood ,so they know us better than anyone else .there was a period of time whereby theres a gap between us but im glad we're closing back the gap .OHHH SAYANGSEMUA LA !MUAHSSSSSSSSSSSSS .